Public works projects in The Ward
This page will be updated as new public works projects such as street rebuilds or other infrastructure work start up and current ones are completed.

York Road reconstruction 2023 (phase 3)
The city has released the York Road construction schedule for 2023. Dates are estimates and if past performance is any guide, will probably start later and run longer than estimated.
Stage 1
“Starting early 2023, Hayes Avenue will not be accessible from York Road. Bell work will be completed at the York Road and Hayes Avenue intersection. Residents will have access to Hayes Avenue via Brockville Avenue and the temporary road through the park. See map below.”
“(Purple on the map) will include the York Road, from Stevenson Street South intersection to Brockville Ave and a localized area on Stevenson Street in-between Ferguson Street and the GJR tracks. The remainder of York Road Phase 3 alignment (east of Brockville Ave to Victoria Rd S) will be accessible during Stage 1.”

Stage 2
2023-2024 following completion of stage 1 (Blue on the map) will include construction from Brockville Avenue to Victoria Road. Areas affected during Stage 1 will be open during stage 2.”
The dates above are the City’s current estimate of when the works will be completed given the status of the individual projects. Please note that the above dates may change as new information becomes available.

Future York Road reconstruction (phase 4)
Victoria Road South to East City Limit (anticipated start April 2024 to Winter 2026)
Upgrades on York Road from Victoria Road South to the eastern City limit (east of Watson Road) are being designed.
This section of York Road is expected to be completed in three (3) construction seasons with construction work starting in early 2024 and being completed in late 2026.