“Tallest Building in Guelph” decision meeting on July 13th
Council will be voting on whether to accept the proposal for a 25 story building at 70 Fountain Street on Monday July 13th @ 6:30pm.
As this is a few blocks north of the Wyndham St bridge, this will have an impact on traffic in the Ward. City Planning staff have recommended that the application be refused: https://pub-guelph.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=7159 but Council could still overrule staff and approve the project.
Deadline to register as a delegation no later than 10 a.m. on Friday, July 10th.
To register, go online to http://http://guelph.ca/city-hall/mayor-and-council/city-council/agendas-and-minutes/delegations-and-comments/request-appear-delegate-submission-form/, or get in touch with the city clerk’s office at 519-837-5603 or with TTY at 519-826-9771. You can also email clerks@guelph.ca or city Councillors:
Here are some news reports on the proposal: